Part One – I believe in Our Lady Queen of Heaven and of Peace – Third Secret of Fatima
COMMENT (by a soul):
About a month ago, I posted an article link to this blog (see: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and His Knowledge of the Entire Third Secret of Fatima), that apparently has shaken up a bit of the Catholic world. Many people have questioned the veracity of the article and all kinds of people have been speculating on the Third Secret of Fatima–whether it was fully revealed or not in year 2000.
Now, I am no insider and have no connections whatsoever to the Vatican… But, what I do know is that I believe the words of Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, in Her heavenly messages. So, I am posting in two parts Her words for others to consider.
I do believe that there is a still-hidden part of the Third Secret of Fatima that needs to be revealed. I simply trust Heaven in this matter. God bless!
Also see: Part Two – I believe in the Words of Our Lady and Our Lord – Third Secret of Fatima
Originally published at:
Locutions To The World
December 21, 2011
“Publishing the Full Fatima Secret”
If mankind has not control over the beneficent waters that come down to bless the earth, he also has no control over the demonic fires that will rain down from the heavens. In the past century, Satan equipped man to rain down destructive fires, those bombs of destruction called nuclear. Now, he has equipped many nations which are either in his control or soon will be in his control. How he covets those bombs of fire. He stores them up. He increases their power and their accuracy. He chooses his closest companions (those whom he controls the most) to be in charge. He places them in high positions. He removes others who are more moderate and replaces them with radical hearts that want to increase the destruction and will not wait.
That is what is taking place, but the world does not see. Satan’s greatest delight centers on atomic weapons. He stirs people to build them, to store them and to prepare to use them. If some leaders are hesitant, he removes them. He waits until all is in place.
Do you think that all of his preparation is in vain? Do you think he is bluffing? Do you think he stores up atomic weapons as a deterrent? He has no qualms. Destruction is his nature and his goal. He wants to leave nothing standing. He wants to destroy the human race and reverse the creation of mankind. This would be his greatest moment.
Mankind, this is where you are. How foolish you are to think that Satan can possess nuclear arms and never use them. They will be used. How far and how great the destruction depends on your turning to me, on how many listen to my words and come into my Immaculate Heart. Let the Church proclaim these words. The Church can reveal the full secret of Fatima. I have already spoken. The Church need only say, “This is what the Virgin of Fatima has said”.
Why are my words held back? Whose so-called prudence is covering over my Wisdom? If I have spoken these words (and were they not given to the most faithful of my messengers – the three children of Fatima), then why are they not published? If they are not published, I will remove those who are covering them over and replace them with my true servants who will release the full light of Fatima.
June 19, 2013
“The Timetable of Events”
Now, I come to the Fatima secrets because these have not been revealed by my Church. Instead, they have been covered over and obscured. So, I must speak clearly and openly.
The events have begun that will lead to the annihilation of the nations. They have been planned by the Evil One and have been set in motion. So, the timetable is not hidden. These events are the beginning birth pangs of this destruction. They are playing out every day, not in some hidden obscure place, but in the very heart of the Middle East. They are before your very eyes and I will explain them so very carefully.
The war in Syria has lit the fuse. This burns so strongly because Russia continues to arm the regime. Both sides are being strengthened. This guarantees that the fuse will continue to burn. A fuse leads to an explosion. Syria is not the focus of the explosion. It is only the fuse that will lead to other fires. The explosion will take place elsewhere.
June 20, 2013
“Reveal the Third Secret”
I bring forth the secrets of Fatima, revealed so clearly to the children and inscribed indelibly into their memories. I speak today about what is called the Third Secret, revealed on July 13, 1917 and obediently recorded by Lucy for her bishop. This secret was to be published in 1960, but was kept hidden and even until today, is not fully revealed.
What right does the Church have to set aside my commands and to keep hidden those secrets that should be revealed? What right does my Church have to falsely interpret what is revealed, as if the events have already been fulfilled when really, they lie in the future? This must end.
Fatima must be placed immediately on the lampstand and the first step will be for Pope Francis to reveal the entire secret and to acknowledge that these are future events. Yes, a future pope will be killed, but that is only one part of what is still to be revealed.
June 23, 2013
“Only the Pope”
The mountains of destruction now surround the world and they grow higher each day. Where lies the path to peace? That is the real secret of Fatima. The more the darkness grows and the more that the solutions of man fail, the greater must the light of Fatima become.
Who will find this path? Who can lead the world on this path? Only my pope. The world does not even know Fatima or that such a path exists. Only my Church realizes, through the great revelations, that I have foreseen this era of great darkness. Almost a century ago, I saw clearly the darkness that would envelope the world at this time. I acted. I revealed. I spoke.
I gave messages. If this light were accepted I would give greater light.
Only my pope can lead the whole Church on the path of Fatima. Other voices are raised on behalf of Fatima. These are very clear voices, but they are only partial lights, little lights keeping alive the message. Only the pope can lead the Church on the path of light through these mountains of darkness and destruction.
September 25, 2013
“The Church Has Lied”
O Catholic Church, I come to your sins against Fatima. Before you can be my instrument, you must openly repent. It has been almost 100 years since I gave you this gift and you have sinned grievously against Fatima.
Soon, you will raise Lucy to your sacred altars, proclaiming her blessed. But how did you act toward her in her lifetime? You were like Israel toward its prophets. You ignored her, silenced her, misrepresented her and, at the very moment when you supposedly released her greatest gift (the third part of the secret), you committed your most grievous sins.
You claimed, and you still claim, that the vision of the bishop clothed in white, had been fulfilled. (Ed. Note: The Vatican stated that the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II fulfilled the prophecy.) In this, you have deceived the faithful and deprived them of their gift. You filled the world with your lies and your pretenses. “Fatima is a vision of the past” you claimed. “Forget about this vision. It has nothing to say about the future”. That lie still has not been repented of. Until it is, you cannot move forward.
September 26, 2013
“The Church Must Repent”
I must use a knife to pierce the heart of the Church. No progress can take place until the sins against Fatima are purged. I will strip the Church naked, the child of my womb born on Calvary? I cannot just clothe her in the garments of Fatima. First I must strip her of her evil clothing because she still clings to her evil.
When I told Lucy that the time had come for the pope to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart, she faithfully communicated this message. It was ignored and another world war began, exactly as I had said. Even then, Fatima was ignored.
With Pope Pius XII, doors were opened and devotion flourished. However, those around the pope slowed the momentum of Fatima, and no consecration took place.
Then came the great year of the secret (1960) which all Catholics looked forward to. A decision was made not to reveal the secret. The year came and went. The burial of Fatima had begun. Fatima devotion was seen as a product from a past culture.
Now, the Church’s armies march forth but not under my banners. I was “put in my place”. “I integrated into the Church” was the phrase they used. O Church, what has happened to your armies? So many dead and wounded. So many caught in the thickets. Have these been glorious years for you? O Church, you are not an army in battle array. You are in disarray because you have refused the banner of Fatima. These are your past sins.
Preach your message of repentance but preach it first to yourself.
November 23, 2013
“Avoiding the Great Destruction”
All the destructive forces of hell are ready to break forth. They wait and continually gather strength. If the fire breaks forth, it will be too late. There will be widespread destruction that will never be reversed and the forces of evil will claim parts of the world for centuries.
Now is the turning point. I have appeared at Fatima and now appear at Medjugorje. I have spoken in many places but only a few have truly listened. My word is like a light, hidden under a bushel basket. I must take this light and place it on the lampstand. Only when the light of my words floods the Church, only when the Holy Father consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart, only when the whole Church knows the full secret of Fatima, will God’s power be released to avoid the great destruction.
December 4, 2013
“The Church Is Asleep”
No one listens. No one heeds the warnings until the events happen. Then all are awakened to the hidden forces of evil. If people continue to sleep, then greater events occur. Satan loves people who sleep. Jesus says, “Stay awake and watch”.
When the great calamities happen it is too late. The walls crumble. The city is taken. The people are helpless. The watchmen have fallen asleep. The enemy is within the gates, able to plunder and to kill.
It is far easier to protect the city when the walls are intact and when the enemy is outside. Even with all of these present evils, this is still the present state of the world. Yet, the time is short and my people are sound asleep. Who will awaken them? Only the one who will listen to my messages.
Let me speak ever so clearly. The pope can say many, many words, but until he says my words, the Church will sleep on and the time of safety will come crashing to an end. He must say, “I will consecrate Russia and I will reveal the Fatima secret”.
December 12, 2013
“Exalting the Fatima Secrets”
For all of these centuries, the Father’s secrets have been hidden in my heart, waiting for that moment when they will be so valuable to his beloved human race. Now, these secrets are meant to flow forth in every possible way.
However, as long as the Secrets of Fatima are withheld, not only withheld but put into the background as if they are not important, then the outpouring is just a tiny stream and not a vast ocean.
The Fatima secrets must be exalted by the Church. All must know what I have revealed out of my deepest love for mankind. Only then can I pour out all of my secrets, all of the revelations in my heart, so that the whole earth will be covered with the knowledge of the Father and his plan.
The Church is walking in a very dim light. It makes many mistakes and does not see the Father’s secrets. All of that must change.
December 16, 2013
“Mary’s Firm Promise”
I promise that, someday, the fullness of this light will burst forth, released by the Holy Father as he consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart and as he reveals the full Fatima secret. In the meantime, you have only my promise.
Also, you know why the events of darkness continue to surround the world. You are not confused because I have explained the situation. Darkness, at this point, has no enemy powerful enough to scatter it or to cast it out.
You also know that such a power of light exists and is waiting to be released. Lift up your hearts and lift up your voices. Ask for the Fatima light in my heart to be released. Let your voices become like a chorus pleasing to my ears.
This will console me in my sorrows until the great moment arrives when I can pour out my light and all the world sees me as the Woman Clothed With the Sun. How I await that day and my precious priest son who will bring it about.
December 18, 2013
“A New Humanity”
When all the events are consummated, when the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart is fulfilled and when the Fatima secrets are revealed, when all of the light goes forth from my heart, then the era of peace will begin.
Slowly at first, like the dawn rising in the East, and seen only by a few.
But who can stop the sun from taking its place? Who can place an obstacle to its course? The sun of peace will traverse the whole world. All will know its presence and feel its power. Historians will record the changes. They will note carefully the new humanity which is brought forth.
This has been my promise from the very beginning. Who would question my word? When will the Church come to that point? What trials and sufferings will happen first? Why the delay? Why does the Church not move forward? So many do not believe my promises. I must continue to speak. The world events will speak even louder, crying out for heaven’s intervention.
March 24, 2014
“Using These Locutions (Special Locution)”
I will no longer be silent. For decades, I have been telling the Church that Russia is the problem and it must be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. The Church has chosen not to listen to my voice. It has even silenced those voices, especially Sr. Lucy’s, which carried my message. Now, you are reaping the harvest which you have sown.
I will wait no longer. You, O Church, have buried my messages. You have hidden them. You have refused to reveal them. You have even twisted them. Because your voice does not send forth to the world the secrets of Fatima, nor do you obey the commands that I made at Fatima, I will bypass you.
I will begin to use these special locutions in a new and more powerful way. I will hold back nothing. I will reveal through these locutions what should have been revealed by the Church.
I will do this slowly, piece by piece, truth by truth. I will do this in a consistent way so each person can easily follow my words and be led to the correct conclusions.
I must do this because you have not done this. You have turned aside from Fatima and the Fatima prophecies about Russia spreading its errors. You have not been a faithful watchman, warning my people and the world. Because you have not used your worldwide voice, I will use this little voice of my locutions.
May 4, 2014
“Wake Up To Fatima”
At Fatima, I gave my important messages. All the apparitions of the nineteenth century led up to the Fatima revelations and all of my appearances since then have only extended the Fatima message concerning the great mysteries contained in my Immaculate Heart.
Now, all the events that I spoke about at Fatima are unfolding before your very eyes. People can hardly believe what is happening. They speak as if all of these events are new, unknown and little understood. They see the destabilizing of the world brought about by Russia.
I spoke about Russia nearly 100 years ago. Russia’s destructive power and its central role in all the problems that have afflicted the world are no surprise to those who know the Fatima messages.
Wake up, O world. I have revealed much. Read the story of Fatima. Wake up, O Church, obey my Fatima commands. The secrets, the messages, my saving word are available to the whole world. Why act as if the Woman Clothed With the Sun had never spoken?