Book Review - "The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience" by Christine Watkins
I, "a soul", am doing this short book review, because I want to recommend a book that recently came out in Fall 2019 that I think would interest many readers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove. The book is called, "The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience," and the author is Christine Watkins, who is a well-respected Catholic speaker and best-selling author. Her website is Queen of Peace Media ( and she co-hosts a weekly show on Radio Maria (US) that is also available on YouTube. The book, "The Warning," is currently available in soft-cover print and ebook format (Kindle version). Here is the Amazon link:
The book is divided into three main parts. First, there is an Introduction, which is very informative. The Introduction answers questions such as, "What is the Warning?", "Why is God Sending the Warning?", "Will the Illumination of Conscience Come Soon?", and "How Should We Prepare for the Warning?", etc.
Meanwhile, I find the second part of the book to be the most fascinating. It is actual modern-day testimonies of eleven people who have undergone a personal illumination of conscience--either as part of a near-death experience or some other extraordinary situation. All accounts are vividly-retold and very descriptive as to what will happen to each of us when we will finally undergo The Warning at the Hands of God (or at our particular judgment when we die). What I like about the personal testimonies is that they are very relatable--it is very easy to read the stories and apply the lessons to our own selves. I also like that there were some accounts from religious souls--two priests and a nun, which obviously, lends more credibility to the encounters from God.
Finally, the third part (which is part of the Appendix) is biographies and words of prophets through the ages about The Warning. This includes two modern-day prophets, Luz de Maria (Revelaciones Marianas, and Father Michel Rodrigue, whose words and heavenly messages I have featured on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove. Overall, I highly recommend this excellent book to followers of this blog. I think that readers will gain much insight from reading it. I, myself, learned new things, which I always think is a good thing.
However, I want to add a couple of comments, which in no means should detract from people reading this book. Firstly, in advertising the book, the author has chosen to publicize it by using the word, "authentic." On its face, I have no qualms with the word, "authentic," but it is being used in such a way to suggest that if a chosen messenger is not supported by their local Church that their heavenly messages are not genuine. But, long-time followers of this blog will know that this assertion is not true, especially, as modern-day prophecies from various messengers (both supported and unsupported by their local Bishops) are unfolding today in the Church, politics, and society.
So, while I do not like how the word, "authentic" is being defined, nonetheless, it is a good book that I want to recommend. I am also excited that the author intends to unveil an accompanying website (, which I hope will help many people to prepare for The Warning and its aftermath. The website is also being promoted as "the place you can trust for authentic prophecy concerning our times", which again, pulls on my heartstrings. But, despite the "authentic" plug, I do think that the author is doing good work here and in Christian unity, I want to be supportive of her endeavors--both for promotion of the book and the upcoming website.
And the second comment that I want to make is this. Although Christmas has passed, there are always birthdays and Easter coming up, which would be excellent gifting opportunities for this book. In fact, I want to recommend for those who can afford it, that you give both this book, "The Warning," and the newly-released DVD, "Garabandal, Only God Knows," to your family, friends, and loved ones (and your parish priests!). Which I think is an excellent pairing on a topic that is hard to introduce to loved ones, but very vital for them to be aware of.
Garabandal, Only God Knows DVD on sale in the USA, SPAIN AND ALL OF LATIN AMERICA!
Alright, I hope that people have enjoyed this book review and recommendation. Now, go read (and share) the book!
God bless,
--a soul
NOTE: If you want to go for a three-puncher, I suggest slipping this printable pamphlet into the book when you give it as a gift: Introduction To The Messages – Book of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy – Pamphlet
Video: THE WARNING-The Coming Illumination of Conscience of Souls When We Will See Ourselves as God Sees Us (6:10 minutes)
Summary: "The Warning,” or “the Illumination of Conscience” is a critical moment in human history when every person alive will see their soul in the light of divine truth. Christine Watkins and Kendra Von Esh speaks of this coming Great Event of Divine Mercy on their Radio Maria show, "Find something More, Find your way Home."